Church Library
Library books, CDs, videos and study material can be borrowed from the church library, which is open every Sunday after the morning service.

Nursery services for children 0-3years old, are offered during our weekly services. Facilities are provided for infants and toddlers alike. All caregivers are vetted according to the Safe Church Policy.
Local Ministries

The Inn of the Good Shepherd
The Mission of The Inn is to provide service with dignity to those in need of food, shelter and other essentials. This is an important statement. It guides their programs and how they serve people.
Perhaps best known for their food programs, The Inn operates a food bank, soup kitchen, 2 homeless shelters, a mobile market and so much more.

NeighbourLink was founded by Dr. Virgil Gulker, a social worker and outreach director in Holland Michigan, as a way to encourage churches to become more engaged with the poor and to inspire a greater number of Christians to put their faith in action. It was clear to Dr. Gulker that if churches were to better serve their communities, they needed leadership, organization, training, encouragement, and prayer. He developed the Love INC model to fill these critical roles. This “grass roots” approach of involving Christian volunteers to help their neighbours has expanded rapidly to involve thousands of churches from over 50 denominations in the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.