What is GEMS?
GEMS is a relationship-building program created more than 50 years ago especially for girls!
The word GEMS is an acronym for “Girls Everywhere Meeting the Saviour”. The purpose of GEMS is to help bring girls into a living, dynamic relationship with Jesus Christ. To help foster this all-important relationship between each girl and Christ, other relationships are nurtured as well — between girls and between girls and their counsellor (leader).
Our GEMS club is called the Sarnia GEMS Club and we meet at Living Hope Christian Reformed Church every other Monday night starting September 23, 2024 from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. For girls, ages 8 to 13. September – April.
Girls at GEMS are organized into groups with one or two counsellors for each group. These groups, coupled with the weekly interactions that take place in club, nurture and develop faith and help girls create long-lasting friendships.
Learn more about Gems Girls’ Clubs today!